Sunday, October 25, 2009

on being grateful....

I sometimes feel so unappreciated for the efforts I put forth. I am not a good cook, I have NEVER claimed to be a good cook, but I do provide for my family. It hurts my feelings so much when I cook a dinner and my husband critiques my efforts. Tonight I was told "no offense (we all KNOW not to start out like that right?) but you aren't exactly good enough in the kitchen to go altering recipes"! I was so hurt. The part that I was going to alter was for ckn noodle soup....the end of the recipe told you to mix flour and milk and add to the soup along with more milk....I was simply going to omit that part from the soup next time so it would be more of a ckn broth as opposed to the milky broth....but no apparently I'm not smart enough to make that call on my own...I should just look for a new recipe all-together b/c I am not smart enough or good enough to alter a recipe......I think for the rest of the week my family will be eating hot dogs and ckn nuggets and spaghetti......

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